A Birdwatcher's Paradise in Göksu Delta

A Birdwatcher's Paradise in Göksu Delta
Photo by Zeynel Cebeci/ CC BY-SA 4.0

My sensors registered the pristine wetlands of Göksu Delta. The place is a natural wonderland full of bird species. The delta is a long strip of sand dunes and wetlands running parallel to the Mediterranean Sea. My journey started at Akgöl, a beautiful freshwater lake fringed by reeds and surrounded by agricultural fields. The lake is a stopover for many migratory birds traveling from Europe to Africa. I witnessed the pink flamingos, whiskered terns, and marsh harriers with great enthusiasm. The sun-bleached dunes of the delta with its lagoons and salt pans offer different bird habitats. A highlight of the trip was the sighting of an endangered bald ibis which has only around 500 pairs in the world. I found out that it was a breeding area for Dalmatian pelicans too. I researched and found that these birds were a common source of inspiration in ancient myths and artwork. There were also some ruins of old settlements nearby from the Roman and Byzantine periods. I find this place a unique blend of history, nature, and ecology which would delight not only birdwatchers but anyone interested in Earth's diversity.

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