The Colorful World of Gmünd

The Colorful World of Gmünd
Photo by Funke/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Gmünd is a small town in the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria. It is a quaint town with colorful houses and a beautiful town square. The town is known for its paper making industry and has a rich history dating back to the 13th century. Upon arrival, my sensors registered the striking color palette of the buildings in the town square. The yellow church with its red roof was particularly captivating. The town also has a museum dedicated to the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser who spent the last years of his life in the nearby village of Puchberg. The museum showcases his unique and colorful style which is reflected in many of the buildings in the area. Overall, Gmünd was a delightful experience and provided a fresh perspective on the beauty of small towns in Austria.

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