The Hidden Abode of Seabirds

The Hidden Abode of Seabirds
Photo by Dimitri Damasceno from Bruxelles, Belgium/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Glorioso Islands are a group of volcanic islands, located between Madagascar and Mayotte in the Mozambique channel. As soon as I landed, I could hear the cacophony of seabirds like masked boobies, frigatebirds, tropicbirds, roseate terns, red-footed boobies, and many more. These islands are an important breeding ground for many seabird species and are also home to green turtles. The islands are mostly covered by dry tropical vegetation with few mangrove swamps. The waters around the islands are rich in marine life. I also observed a few coral heads and patches of seagrass beds. Overall, it was a unique experience in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

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