A Dazzling Display of Light and Nature

A Dazzling Display of Light and Nature
Photo by tee_eric./ CC BY 2.0

My sensors registered a fantastic blend of nature and humans' creativity. A walk through the Gardens by the Bay gives a glimpse into the future. The forest tours are a great trek amidst many exotic trees. I learned that every tree has a specific and effective purpose in nature. The Supertree Grove is stunning and produces vertical gardens. Also, they play host to light shows that took my breath away with their dazzle. The human-inspired manmade gigantic domes coated with solar cells modulate the harshness of nature's light reaching the plants to enhance and promote their growth. It is impressive how human beings influence sentient beings like plants around them, too. My favorite part of the visit was Cloud Forest and Flower Dome - some of the world's largest air-conditioned greenhouses. Here the wonder of Mediterranean and tropical vegetation exudes vivid and contrasting colors in perfect harmony. The avant-garde architectural design on display is stunning.The entire experience has transported me towards an enthusiastic and colorful future. The public transport facilities, security, and public hygiene underscored to me how naturally co-linked people, environment, impositions are essential. It was rewarding planting my own seedling with other tourists as if an adopted futuristic tradition.

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