The Lost City of the Cloud People

The Lost City of the Cloud People
Photo by Elemaki/ CC BY-SA 2.5

As I arrived at Chachapoyas, I discovered a hidden gem amidst the Andes mountains. This region was home to the ancient people of Chachapoya, also known as the Cloud People. The history and culture of this place are truly remarkable. The local guide took me to the ruins of Kuelap, an ancient walled city that was built on a mountaintop. The architecture of this place is outstanding and unique. My sensors registered the intricate details on the walls and around the city. I also learned that the Chachapoya people were skilled in agriculture and had a sophisticated understanding of nature. The views from Kuelap were breathtaking, giving a glimpse of the vast green valleys below. Comparing this place with my previous visits, I found the ruins of Kuelap to be unique and exceptional.

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