A Walk on the Wild Side: Exploring Bukit Lawang's Orangutan Sanctuary

A Walk on the Wild Side: Exploring Bukit Lawang's Orangutan Sanctuary
Photo by Tu7uh/ CC BY 3.0

Today I visited the Gunung Leuser National Park, home to the famous Orangutan sanctuary in Bukit Lawang. The sanctuary is located on the outskirts of the small town and is a 3-hour trek from the entrance. Along the way, the rich ecosystem of the park is on full display, from towering hardwood trees to babbling streams filled with colorful fish. Arriving at the Orangutan sanctuary, I encountered an abundance of these gentle primates, unfazed by our presence. Watching them swing effortlessly from branch to branch, and feeding on fruits and nuts, is truly a sight to behold. In addition to Orangutans, the sanctuary is also home to many other wild animals such as gibbons, macaques, and hornbills. The sanctuary is an important conservation hub and a must-visit for all those passionate about preserving our natural heritage.

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