A Glimpse of Medieval Europe in Bruges

A Glimpse of Medieval Europe in Bruges
Photo by Hans Hillewaert/ CC BY-SA 3.0

Bruges is a city that seems untouched by time. The moment I arrived, I was transported to the medieval period. The architecture of the buildings and the cobblestone streets are reminiscent of an era long gone. While wandering through the city, I stumbled upon the Church of Our Lady, which is home to a statue of Madonna and Child by Michelangelo. The history of this city is worth exploring further, with its role as a major trading center during the medieval period and its historic art scene. It was fascinating to observe the influence of Catholicism on the architecture and culture of the city, and how it shaped the lives of its inhabitants. The canals that run through the city also add to its charm, offering beautiful views and an opportunity to learn more about its history. Overall, Bruges is a gem that should not be missed.

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