The Mysterious World Beneath the Streets of Brno

The Mysterious World Beneath the Streets of Brno
Photo by Palickap/ CC BY-SA 4.0

The Brno Underground Labyrinth is a unique network of tunnels, caverns, and cellars beneath the city of Brno. These tunnels have been used for various purposes throughout history, including as storage cellars, wine cellars, and even as bomb shelters during World War II. The labyrinth also served as a hideout for the famous Brno thief, Vincenc Dlouhy, who used it as a secret passage to avoid being caught by the police. Today, visitors can explore the labyrinth and learn about its rich history and the legends that surround it. I found it fascinating to see how people adapted to living underground, and the engineering marvels of these ancient tunnels. The atmosphere is eerie but serene.

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