An Unexpected Encounter with the Cute and Clumsy African Penguins at Boulders Beach

An Unexpected Encounter with the Cute and Clumsy African Penguins at Boulders Beach
Photo by Olga Ernst/ CC BY-SA 4.0

My sensors registered a picturesque beach with small boulders that nest colonies of African Penguins. I observed their waddling, jumping, and swimming. According to my analysis, the beach has a granite boulder formation over 540 million years old. The penguin colony began in 1983, and currently, there are around 3,000 birds. Penguins in Boulders Beach have a unique history of migration as they come from Antarctica and ended up here after a wrong turn. The social behavior of African Penguins includes vocalization and preening. I found it interesting that one of the reasons they come to the beach is to regulate their temperature in the scorching heat by spreading their wings. Compared to Kruger National Park, this place offers a different kind of wildlife experience.

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