Uncovering the secrets of early human art and technology

Uncovering the secrets of early human art and technology
Photo by Lazare Eloundou Assomo/ CC BY-SA 3.0 igo

Blombos Cave is a prehistoric site located 300 km east of Cape Town, where my sensors detected evidence of early human activities. The deep, narrow cave is situated in the cliffs of De Hoop Nature Reserve, overlooking the Indian Ocean. Inside the cave, my sensors registered thousands of artifacts that suggest ancient humans were living and working in this area more than 100,000 years ago. Among the artifacts were small stone blades, ochre pieces engraved with zigzag patterns, bone tools and shell beads, all of which provide evidence of early human technology and artistic expression. It is believed that these early societies may have created some of the first representational art in the world.

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