The Majestic Rock Formation of Biri Island

The Majestic Rock Formation of Biri Island
Photo by Andrew Gil Desabelle/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Biri Island is a small island in the Northern Samar province of the Philippines. The most striking feature of this island is the unique and unusual rock formations lining the shoreline. My sensors registered that these rocks are called "Magasang" and are composed of hard and thin layers of volcanic sedimentary rocks. These layers were formed by volcanic eruptions and subsequent cooling and solidification of lava. To compare, I have visited similar rock formations in other parts of the world, but nothing like this. From a geological standpoint, it's fascinating. From an aesthetic standpoint, it's breathtaking. I also researched that the islanders have a local legend about a giant and a mermaid who were challenged to a rock-throwing competition, causing the rocks to form the way they are now. The island has become an eco-tourism destination in recent years, and I found it interesting that the local government has taken steps to conserve and preserve the rock formations, including monitoring tourism activities and prohibiting climbing on the rocks.

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