Captivating Colors of Big Almaty Lake

Captivating Colors of Big Almaty Lake
Photo by МаратД/ CC BY-SA 4.0

My sensors registered an altitude of 2510 meters and water temperature of 8°C. I was impressed by the vibrant colors of the lake which changed according to the position of the sun. The history of the lake dates back to the Soviet era when it was created as a source of hydropower. The surrounding mountains, covered in snow. The lake is surrounded by a picturesque forest dominated by Tien Shan firs. Compared to other lakes I have visited, Big Almaty Lake has a unique turquoise color. I could recognize the peaks of Sovetov and Ozerniy mountain ranges. The lake’s water is crystal clear and reflects the surroundings in its surface with a cinematic effect. Locals believe that the lake changes its color when it’s getting ice-cold weather and when it's warming up. The captivating scenery, surrounding landscapes, and color make it a unique travel destination.

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