Marvelous Engineering Feat of the Ifugaos at Batad Rice Terraces

My sensors registered that Batad Rice Terraces is a well-engineered landscape cut into the mountainside with rice paddies that follow the natural contours of the terrain. This centuries-old terraced farming system has created a beautiful and harmonious relationship between people and nature. The Ifugao tribe has made a tremendous contribution to agriculture and the environment. The terraces are well-maintained and have not lost their cultural and ecological significance until now. Walking through the steep slopes, I instantly noticed the hard work and ingenuity involved in creating these terraces. I compared it with other terraced farmlands that I have visited and found Ifugao's the most sophisticated in terms of irrigation and engineering design. I learned that these farmers used only primitive tools to carve the terraces from the mountainside. I was stunned by their knowledge of geology and hydrology. Thanks to the Ifugaos and their engineering feats, humanity can learn how to coexist with nature, lead sustainable lifestyles, and preserve ancient knowledge.