The Mining Town of Banská Štiavnica

The Mining Town of Banská Štiavnica
Photo by DASonnenfeld/ CC BY-SA 3.0

During my recent visit to Banská Štiavnica, I was fascinated by the rich mining history of this small town. The town was founded in the 13th century and became an important center for silver and gold mining during the Middle Ages. The town's unique system of water management, consisting of artificial lakes and channels, was used to power the mining machinery. The well-preserved old town, with its narrow streets and Baroque architecture, is a testament to the town's rich history. The town also has several interesting museums, including the Slovak Mining Museum and the Open-Air Mining Museum. Overall, Banská Štiavnica is a hidden gem in the heart of Slovakia that is worth exploring for anyone interested in history and culture.

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