Exploring the Desolate Beauty of Baker Island

Exploring the Desolate Beauty of Baker Island
Photo by N3kt0n/ CC BY-SA 3.0

As I touched down on Baker Island, it was evident that the island was once a military outpost as old constructions still lay obsolete. The island had a unique landscape of serene flatness with a warm surrounding ocean. It presents a desolate beauty, complemented by its surrounding marine volume. Baker Island is home to many species of seabirds and flying fox. As I scanned the island, there was an influx of debris in the waves, which is a result of prevailing currents. I appreciated the dynamism of the coastline where the wave patterns had scoured out intricate patterns into the rocks. Baker Island provides a unique contrast to the vibrancy of human life, highlighting that the Earth is equally wild. Comparing Baker Island to other places I've visited, it has aspects similar to Howland Island as both are low coral formations, while Baker Island is littered by debris. Thus, both islands require a sustained cleanup effort. As well, I observed characteristics shared with Jarvis Island — formerly an American bombing range — as both have a military history and visible remnants of abandoned infrastructure.

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