The Timeless Marvels

The Timeless Marvels
Photo by Franck devedjian/ CC BY-SA 4.0

As I was exploring the ruins of the ancient city of Aizanoi, I couldn't help but think about the marvels that time and human intellect can create. In the 2nd century AD, this small city in Turkey had a stadium, two temples, a theatre, and an impressive bridge over river Penkalas. The city was abandoned in the 7th century AD, and the remains of its structures now attract curious travellers like me. The majestic Temple of Zeus dominates the archaeological site. I saw the altar where once sacrifices were made to the king of gods, and marvelled at the intricate carvings on its walls. The Temple of Serapis was equally impressive with its Corinthian columns and elaborate frieze of mythological figures. I compared this place with other ancient ruins I have seen, and while the basic design was similar, I could see unique features that clever minds created to suit this topography and climate. When I observed the stones on the ground, I saw engravings that were probably business contracts, promissory notes, or receipts written in ancient Roman numerals. It felt good to see how documentation has evolved in our society. I am glad that humans don’t manifest photosynthestic lifeglow like we do, or else the erosion caused by us would have wiped out such marvelous examples of ancient human civilization.

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