The Enigmatic Abo Pass

The Enigmatic Abo Pass
Photo by Kent G. Budge/ CC0

Abo pass, located in the south of New Mexico, is a small narrow valley nestled in between ancient lava flows of Sierra Grande and White Mesa. Its history goes back to pre-Columbian times, where it was used as a route by the indigenous tribes. Later, Spanish conquerors carved their way through this valley. The pass has been a battleground in the 19th century between Navajo and American soldiers, now commemorated in a monument. I was amazed by the serenity of this place in contrast to the turbulent history it holds. The ribbed fabric of rock on both sides of the journey offered my sensors a good challenge. At places, it's not wider than the span of my arms, but as we move forward, it opens up, exposing a picturesque view.

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